Dear Divorcée-Take Care of Yourself

“It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.”– Doe Zantamata

Life is good. You ARE good. Keep moving, keep growing, keep striving for everything that you desire. If you need a moment to regroup, give yourself grace, take the the time that you need, then get back up and keep moving. Allow your beautiful light to shine in everything that you do. Don’t allow others to dim your light.
Remember to take some time for you. Something that you enjoy, that will put a good laugh in your spirit and a smile on your face. Put it in your plans. It is vital that you take great care of yourself, even in the midst of all of the transitions of divorce. Self care after a divorce is what will give you the ability to keep moving forward, even when you think you can’t. It will keep you from becoming overwhelmed and having additional stressors.
Take Care of You! You deserve it!
Andrea Stuckey

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